Thursday, November 23, 2017

Who is Thankful?

Photo by Roman Bozhko on Unsplash
How do we know if we are righteous? What is the difference between one who is righteous and those who are otherwise? Let's look at the root and the fruit of righteousness.

The Root of Righteousness:

Who is a righteous person?

A righteous man or woman is someone who has been justified. “Justify” means to make righteous. None of us are righteous in ourselves. The bible says “There is none righteous, no, not one.” This may be hard to believe for many of us, so let me illustrate.

Recently in the news, we have heard rumors and proven evidence that many men of power have abused their influence because of office or clout. This, however, is just the tip of the iceberg because we are all guilty. Jesus said that sin comes from the heart – all of our hearts. We are just as guilty as those men. God has concluded “all under sin.” 

All are morally bankrupt and need someone with a deep account of righteousness to draw from. Jesus is that person in whom we can turn in faith and be counted as righteous.

He is the only one to ever live who, being God, was by nature righteous. He was also a man who went through temptations as do we, but he did so without sinning. We can be made righteous through faith in him. I call upon you to place your trust in him on this Thanksgiving Day and be "justified" or made righteous.

The Fruit of Righteousness:

How does the righteous live?

A righteous person:
  • Walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful.
  • Delights himself in the law of the Lord and meditates on his word.
  • Keeps his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile.
  • Departs from evil, does good, seeks peace and pursues it.
  • Has a broken heart and a contrite spirit
  • Shows mercy, gives to the needy, and considers the cause of the poor.
  • Speaks wisdom, talks of justice and speaks that which is acceptable.
  • Finds his happiness in the LORD.
  • Desires what is good.
  • Thinks right thoughts and thinks before he talks.
  • Hates lying.
  • Serves God.
  • Prays fervently and effectively. [1]
There is one more thing we should add as to the characteristics of a righteous person’s life. That is this – “Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name.” The other thing which distinguishes a righteous individual from the unrighteous is his willingness and even desire to give thanks to God for what He’s done.

Many years ago, we visited with a man who had then recently come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. Immediately his life was changed. His story went something like this:
“Before I knew the Lord, I was just like an ol’ hog. I would just keep eating and never even look up to see who was feeding me.”
The righteous will give thanks to the name of the Lord.

Happy Thanksgiving!

[1] Psalm 1;34.13-18; 37.30; 64.10; Proverbs 10.32; 11.23; 12.5; 13.5; 15.28; Malachi 3.18; James 5.16

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