Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Thank God for the Family of Faith

From our Series: Thirty Days of Thanksgiving

Photo by Penny Beth Saum
Christian, what an encouragement you are to all the rest of us! You, yes you; even with all of your flaws and limitations are a blessing to others because of God's work in your heart.

Jesus had called the Apostle Paul to take his gospel to the nations. He actually went to most of the known world during his time, but he could not do it alone. In one of his letters, (Romans 16) we learn that Paul had a great supporting cast of individuals who stood by him, prayed for him and encouraged him. 

He called them: 
  • Helpers
  • Fellow workers
  • People who risked their necks
  • People who had church in their house
  • Countrymen
  • Of note among the apostles
  • Laborers
  • Fellow prisoners
  • Beloved
  • Approved in Christ
  • Chosen in the Lord
  • Mother
  • Brethren
  • Sister
  • Saints

You can imagine what it meant to him to know there were people in all the places where he had preached; who, having come to Christ, had gifts, abilities and qualities that were so unique yet they operated in concert with all the other believers.

Sometimes the joy of the Lord would well up inside Paul's soul and he would give thanks. He thanked God for Christians in Thessalonica who were renowned worldwide for their faith.  
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. (Romans 1.8)
He thanked God for believers in Ephesus who not only demonstrated faith, but also love.  
Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers:  (Ephesians 1.15-16) 
I thank God for you, fellow Christian, I’m thankful that you hold strong to your faith in Christ. I’m thankful that you’re willing to be different, set apart from the world, as you live your God given convictions. I thank God for the love of Christ in you. I’m thankful for the way you share that love with many who don’t know him. And – I’m thankful for how you support others in their service to the Lord.

The family of faith – something to be thankful for!


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