Friday, November 3, 2017

Humility, a Channel of Thankfulness

Photo by Seth Willingham on Unsplash
What to wear? What to wear? It sure is hard to know how to dress every day (unless you are a man or wear a uniform to work or school).

What we wear is important, though. It says a lot about who we are, how we think, and can make an impression on the right people, (like someone you’re dating).

If our physical attire is important, so much more crucial is our Spiritual apparel. What am I supposed to wear? God’s word tells us to put on:
  1. Tender mercies, 
  2. Kindness,
  3. Humility,
  4. Meekness,
  5. Longsuffering,
    Bearing with one another,
    Forgiving one another,
    If anyone has a complaint against another;
    Even as Christ forgave you, 

    So you also must do. But above all these things put on:
  6. Love (charity, agape).
                           which is the bond of perfection. 
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. (Colossians 3.12-15)

Do you sometimes find yourself being grumpy, as people, noises and pains get on your nerves all of the time? Well, just be thankful and that will subside.

Are you having trouble forgiving somebody? Be thankful for God’s forgiveness on your part. We’ve all done plenty wrong but God has forgiven his children for each sin. As we thank God for his forgiveness, we can much more easily forgive others (see Matthew 6.12).

Are you a little proud – or a whole lot? When we’re thankful, it’s hard to stay proud and arrogant. When we’re thankful to God, we realize that “It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves.” There are no self made men, only self made messes. When we’re thankful we know that blessings are just that – blessings, not something we accomplished on our own.

When we’re thankful, we realize that salvation is all for the glory of God alone, not because of any good works you or I have done. It is by grace through faith in the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; nothing to be proud of there and nothing to boast of except Jesus and the cross.

Once we realize that God has done everything for us, how thankful we become. Any of us would be much worse off if we got what we deserved. We could be in hell. Thank God for his mercies, thank God for his goodness, grace and love. Thank him for his longsuffering. He’s put up with a lot from us.

God says to put on humility and we become more humble when we’re thankful.


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