Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Our Unchanging God

Spring has sprung
Fall has fell
Winter’s over
And it’s hot as…..   all get-out!

Every year the seasons come and go. Our lives are like this too.

Our circumstances seem to change from day to day. We may be rich one day and poor the next. We may be well one day and extremely unhealthy the next. We might go from being on top of the world to being friendless soon after. Our life’s graph might look like the Stock report.

Because of life’s yoyo effect, our feelings may go up and down too.

There is not much in this world you can count on, but you can always count on the Lord. As a Christian, there will be days where there is no sunshine. No matter, God’s grace is steadfast. With him “there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1.17) “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13.7)

We often look for solidity out of things that are made of cardboard. We become disappointed and disillusioned when our “glory” fades away. However, we can never be disappointed over something in which we have not placed confidence.

As we behold Christ, we learn of his consistent faithfulness. Things may look bleak but his promises are sure. Life may appear to have dealt us a lemon but “we know that all things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8.28) God’s love and grace are constant while all else may waver. God’s holiness remains. His promises are as certain now as they were two thousand years ago. You can trust them. You can trust Him.

Years ago, after a hospital visit, I was ready to go home. While walking down the hospital hallway, though, I noticed a large, white object appearing about half-mast in one of the rooms. When I turned back to see what it was, I saw a young lady with her leg in a cast which was elevated to about forty degrees. I felt compelled to stop and talk to her. Within only a short time of sharing the gospel with her, she began to weep. I could see the Holy Spirit was convincing her of her lost condition. I led her to Jesus, prayed with her, gave her some further guidance and left.

Leaving the hospital that day, I was filled with joy and exclaimed to the Lord, “God, you are so good!”

Immediately I felt a twinge of conviction. The thought crossed my mind, “Why don’t you praise God like that when days are difficult and you are seeing no visible results of blessing?” It was as if God were saying to me. “I am always good.”

You know what? He really is. We just don’t always see it as clearly as we do on other days. May the Lord help us to praise him and proclaim his goodness every day of our lives.

Here is the chorus of a song I wrote that day.

My God is the same
when the sun is shining,
As in the darkest night.
He’s the same when things
are going wrong,
As when they’re going right.
He’s the same today as yesterday
And evermore shall be.
And though my God has never changed,
He sure is changing me.

“For I am the LORD, I do not change

Therefore you are not consumed, 

O sons of Jacob. 

Yet from the days of your fathers 

You have gone away from My ordinances 
And have not kept them. 
Return to Me, and I will return to you," 
Says the LORD of hosts.”  (Malachi 3.6-7)

He never changes but we all need Him to change us.

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