Monday, January 9, 2017

Our Inheritance

Then the LORD said to Aaron: "You shall have no inheritance in their land, nor shall you have any portion among them; I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel. – Numbers 18.20

Does it ever seem like you’re getting the short end of the deal when you can’t seem to have everything everyone else is getting? That new boat, bigger house, promotion, early retirement, clean bill of health – others have it but you don’t. Their marriage may seem more ideal and their children may seem to have it better together than yours. “Why can’t I be more like everyone else?” you may ask.

The Levites of old, as recorded in the bible, may have felt the same way. The Levites (descendants of Levi, one of the 12 sons of Jacob) were the tribe of priests. All of the other tribes of Israel were given a portion of land to live in, but not the Levites.

This, however, is only part of the story because the Lord God had not only told the Levites they would receive no land, he also promised them a portion that he promised to no other tribe – that He would be all they would need. “I am your portion and your inheritance” He said.

Dear Christian brother or sister – the Lord is our portion. Why should we settle for second best? Sure, houses and land are wonderful blessings from God as are the many other physical and earthly gifts that come to us from God, but they cannot hold a candle to the glorious light of the blessing of God Himself. “I will never leave you or forsake you” he promises his people.

After my Mom and Dad died, my brothers and sisters and I received our inheritance. The seven of us received a few thousand dollars apiece. It wasn’t much compared to what many others receive from their parents but was actually more than I ever expected.

I will never complain and wish for more than I received from my Mom and Dad because they were both Christians who lived their faith. The knowledge of God and the demonstration of faith in Jesus Christ I received from them have been by far the greatest portion and the greatest inheritance I could have ever asked for.

If you had your choice right now, what would you choose – God or goods?

Some day all of our earthly blessings will be either gradually or suddenly stripped away from us. Then, what will we have left? As believers in Christ, we will have, always, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ as our portion. There can be no greater joyous gift in our lives than God Himself. He is not only the Giver, but the Gift.

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