Thursday, December 21, 2017

Road Signs to Bethlehem - A Virgin Shall Conceive

God gave us many road signs which, if we follow them, will lead us to a manger in Bethlehem. These, along with many others, reveal to us the identity of the Messiah. Yet, humanity is too blind to be able to see them. Only by God’s grace do any of us realize that the Messiah is the Lord Jesus.

Previously we saw that the Messiah would be of the seed of the woman, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and of the seed of David.[i] [ii]

We find many other signs in the bible as well. We will focus on three of those road signs in this series. The first one is perhaps the most amazing.

The Sign of the Virgin Birth.

In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, the bible tells us:

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.[iii]

This was fulfilled when the angel messenger appeared to Joseph to explain to him how the girl he is engaged to (espoused) is expecting a child. The gospel writer Matthew tells us that this is the fulfillment of this prophecy.[iv]

An angel had also appeared to Mary to tell her that she would be the mother of the child who would be the “Son of the Highest.” The word “virgin” is repeated here.  

Do you believe in miracles? There is no denying that the bible records many miracles which confirm the great prophecies they accompanied. It is true that it is scientifically impossible that a virgin (a woman who had never experienced sexual intercourse) could conceive a child. But it is not Spiritually impossible, because “with God, nothing shall be impossible.” This was the exact answer the angel gave Mary after she asked him the question, “How shall this be seeing I know not a man.”[v]

Creation was miraculous. God created a man (Adam) out of dust with no father or mother.
He created a woman (Eve) out of a rib. 

Don’t laugh, doctors graft bones, including ribs, from dead people and sleeping people all the time.

Natural conception is miraculous too, in a sense. How can two people of the opposite sex come together in a love relationship and produce a child? Oh, I know there is a lot we know scientifically about this but that doesn’t remove the wonder of life and how it transpires. God is the one who put all of this into motion.

The virgin birth of Jesus is miraculous in every way. This doesn’t mean that it cannot happen but this is why I asked, “Do you believe in miracles?” If so, realize that Jesus was conceived inside of a virgin and that she gave birth to him, our Messiah

[iii] Isaiah 7.14
[iv] Matthew 1.23
[v]  See Luke 1.30-38

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