Thursday, October 19, 2017

My Heavenly Bucket List

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
Maybe I’m not that ambitious but I’ve never had a list of things I wanted to do before I die. I’ve seen a lot of territory, some very beautiful, so I really don’t need just a whole lot more of that. I’ve been blessed with plenty of “things.” I’m no longer really interested in jumping out of a plane (though I would love to ride in a helicopter some time). I wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to go scuba diving (then you could call me Scuba Steve) but it’s not a goal of mine. I am not really interested in any new “toys” either.

There are a few things I’d like to do and then have the privilege of saying, “I did it.” I’d love to take my grandchildren to Six Flags when they get a little bigger. I’m easily humored. I’d also like to stay as healthy and mentally sound for as long as possible. 

Probably the one thing I want to accomplish most would be to have more opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and with as many people as possible. And I want to learn more about how I can get as close and stay as close to him as possible for the rest of my days here.

What I really want to tell you about is my heavenly bucket list – or, things I’d like to do after I die and go to heaven:

I really just want to camp out at the throne of Jesus and worship for awhile. He  has loved me like no one else. I love the verse in the book of the Revelation, the last book of the bible, where it tells us “and they shall see his face.” That’s the first thing I want to do when I get to heaven. I want to see his face. I want to see the scars in his hands and be reminded of the price he paid for our sins. I want to see him in the glory that surrounds his throne and I, like John, want to fall down at his feet and if I receive any rewards in heaven, I want to cast those at his feet.

I want to see those in heaven that I love. This would include my Mom and Dad, my brother who was the closest friend I ever had, my brother-in law, dear pastor friends and sweet saints of God that I have known – all of whom have gone on ahead before me into glory.

I also want to see friends and family members who have not yet been saved.  I want to see them all there with me. Many have not yet placed their faith in the Lord Jesus, but I am praying that they will. I think maybe heaven might be even more heavenly if they are there.

I want to find out what angels really look like. The bible seems to present most angels as looking a lot like humans. I am not sure I’ve ever met one but I know some day that I will. Then there are the Cherubs and Seraphs which all seem to have wings. There will be many up in God’s presence night and day, saying “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is, and is to come.” I don’t think they will ever hold a light to God’s glory there. Rather, I think they will be a reflection of his glory and I hope to think that we will too.

I want to see the people of God from all of the ages. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to talk to Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Ruth and Jeremiah? I’d love to meet John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul and others from their time such as Phillip the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene. But I would also like to get to know John Huss, William Tyndale, George Muller, Watchman Nee and Jim Elliot. I want to see godly women such as Susanna Wesley, (mother of John and Charles Wesley) and stand face to face with some of my heroes such as Charles Spurgeon.

I want to experience what it will like to be truly like Jesus. The bible says that when he appears at the rapture (the catching up of the saints) and the resurrection (the raising of the dead who are in Christ) “we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” Heaven is a place where sin or anything that defiles will never enter but also a place where we, God’s born again children, will be changed. We will be changed from corruption to incorruption. We’ll be changed from mortal to immortal (never dying). We will be changed from sinful flesh to sinless Spiritual beings who will fully bear God’s image in our new bodies.

I want to see the changes God is going to make in our bodies. The bible tells us that he will “change our vile bodies to be fashioned like unto his glorious body” so that we will have perfectly whole, healthy bodies. I want to see those who were crippled here, walking on the golden street there without even a limp. I want to see those who were blind, who’ll be there with perfect vision (better than 20/20 I’m sure). I want to see those whose minds had become dysfunctional, thinking with brilliant clarity and speaking cohesively.

I want to see the place that Jesus has prepared for me. The bible says that he created all things. They called him “carpenter” when he lived on the earth, so I’m quite sure he must have something extraordinary ready for each believer when that time comes for us to inherit the Kingdom.

I want to ask God some questions. Who knows? Once we enter our glorified state, all questions may be automatically answered for us. I’m very sure things will look much clearer from the other side, but I still wonder if there might be still many things to learn, for we will never know all that God knows (which is everything).

Some of the questions I’d like to have answered are: "How can you be one who lived in eternity past with no beginning and will never have an end?" "How did you plan everything out to perfection and still work around the sinfulness of mankind?"  "How can you be one God and yet exist in three persons?" I fully expect the one who knows all things to be able to answer all these things and so much more.

I want to see God’s new heaven and earth. I want to see the Holy city, the New Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God. The city will be roughly 1,400 miles long and 1,400 miles wide. But get this – 1,400 miles high! That’s about two and a half billion (2,500,000,000) cubic miles. Wow! I’ve never seen Jerusalem, God’s holy city in the land of Israel, though I’d love to. But I expect one day …… to see that New Jerusalem God has told us about in his word.

       No, I don’t have much of an earthly bucket list, but I have a bucket full of things I want to see in paradise. I pray that I’ll see you there.


Scripture References: 

Acts 1.8; James 1-8; Revelation 22.4; John 20.27; Matthew 25.31; Revelation 1.17; Revelation 4.10; 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17; 2 Timothy 2.19; Hebrews 13.2; Revelation 4.8; 1 John 3.2; Revelation 21.27; 1 Corinthians 15.53-54; Philippians 3.21; Revelation 21.21; John 14.1; Colossians 1.16; Mark 6.3; 1 John 3.20; Isaiah 57.15; Ephesians 1.11; Isaiah 58.15; 1 John 5.7; Revelation 21.2; Revelation 21.16

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