Thursday, June 1, 2017

Our God is a Liberal God

What do I mean that God is liberal? Not a theological liberal nor a political liberal, but he is a philanthropical liberal. The bible says: “God … gives to all liberally.[1]” Not a humanist, but he is a humanitarian.

          Our God is kind and shows his grace
          To every one of the human race.

He has given so much to you whether you are a Christian or you do not believe in him[2]. He gives you the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat. He provides you family and/or friends to love and be loved by. He has given you a place to rest your head and a shelter from storms. He has given you laughter and a measure of happiness. He has given you talents and abilities that are unique to you. He has given you freedom to make choices. He has given you his creation to enjoy.

God has given you your body with all of its functions, including; a brain that can reason and send the right signals throughout your body. He has given you a beating heart that distributes oxygen, nutrients and bacteria fighting cells throughout your bloodstream. These are just a few of the things God has given to all of humanity  including you.

God gave his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to a lost human race. Jesus gave his blood and his life upon the cross so we could have the gift of eternal life.

Thank God that he is a liberal God – a generous God. Let’s seek to be like him. Jesus said; “…He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.[3]

[1] James 1.5
[2] Matthew 5.45
[3] Luke 6.35-36

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