Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Is There Love in Your Home?

Many think of love as a good feeling that we get. But the real test of love is not just in how well we can receive it but in how well we can give it. We are not commanded to make sure everyone else loves us but we are commanded to “love one another,”

Where love prevails in a home, jealousy does not.

A family with love is free to be honest with each other and still accept one another.

A husband and father who talks a good talk without real love for his family is nothing and his wife and kids know it. It is just empty clatter.

A wife may act very Spiritual, go to church, and be a real “do-gooder” but if she does not love her family, no one is the better for it.

What a lot of couples really need is to just grow up and quit acting like children. Their kids need to see some maturity in their lives. Adults should know something about handling difficulty. Hardship is not a reason to fly the coop; rather it is a reason to cling to those God has placed in your life. 

Sir, you took a vow, saying; “Until death do us part.” 

Ma’am, you promised, “For better or for worse.” I know, at the time you didn’t know it could get this worse, but where there is love, there is hope.

A child may be very gifted and talented but if that child shows no love for his parents, “it profits him nothing.” I don’t care how brilliant or athletic a kid is if he or she doesn't respect Mom and Dad.

There is no greater agony than that of families that fight. Instead of fighting, have you thought of praying? 

Instead of hanging out at the bars late on Saturday night, have you thought instead of retiring early for the night and getting up early on Sunday morning to prepare for church? 

Instead of clamoring to get your own way, have you considered doing what’s best for the rest of the family?

You would probably go across the ocean to another country and fight for your family. Why not make the necessary sacrifices right where you are that would allow your family to stay together and love one another?

If love dominates the home, individuals will put up with some of the others’ shortcomings. And there will be no place for pride and arrogance.

Individuals in a family with love will not just be interested in their own thing, but in that of the rest of the family. Conversations there will be polite – not self-centered.

When love prevails in a marriage, a wife will not take off and abandon her husband just because “things are not going my way.” Love will prevent a man from leaving his wife for a “younger,” “prettier,” or “sweeter” woman. Love is an allegiance, not an emotion.

Money cannot hold a family together; family pride cannot, but love can. 

Good looks, charm and youthful energy may not last, but love can.

Where is the source of true love? The answer: “God is love” (1 John 4.8,16). There is no true love apart from the Lord in your life. God loved you and gave his Son for your eternal salvation. Trust in him and love will enter in. After that, you must decide what you will do with it.

Please take the time to read 1 Corinthians chapter 13 in the Bible.

May God bless you and your family with the love of God.

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