I bought an Amaryllis
bulb for my wife several weeks ago. She is a very busy lady and forgot about it
for a few weeks. About a month ago, she finally potted it and put it in the
It grew up, up and
up. We wondered if it was one of those beanstalks like that of
Jack. It looked like that was all it was going to do until it reached
height of about 29 inches. Then, it put out these beautiful blooms.
I usually don't get too
caught up in flowers but this one really got my attention. I just kept thinking
of how amazing life is - even plant life. I kept saying to myself, "How
could this just be an accident? This little flower is so beautifully designed.
How could anyone miss it?"
But there are all kinds
of things we miss every day, like the many breaths we breathe, each heartbeat
and the happy thoughts which flow through our minds. We sometimes miss out on
the refreshment of a drop of water on a parched tongue. We easily ignore the
coolness of the breeze on a summer day or the warm touch of a loved one's
embrace. How often do we fail to value the sweetness of a child's laughter and
cute, innocent remarks? Do we really appreciate the many little honeydew drops
from heaven which fall upon us each day such as the smile of a friend or the
unexpected kindness shown to us by a stranger?
The flower should cause
us to stand in awe of our Creator. Genesis, the first book of the bible,
Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth
grass, the herb that yields seed, and the
fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose
seed is in itself, on the earth"; and it was so. And
the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed
according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose
seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw
that it was good. (Genesis 1.11-12)
As I look a little
closer at this great flower, I see the intricate design of something that was
created for beauty for the the enjoyment of God's crowning creation – mankind. Jesus talks about the glory of the

Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil
not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was
not arrayed like one of these. (Luke 12.27)
The bible also
talks often about how the beauty of a flower soon fades and compares
this to our own short lives which will soon be over. (Isaiah 40.7-8)
It is easier to see the
brevity of life as we grow older. Time is like a rolling snowball; it picks up
more and moves faster with each rotation. Soon we will be finished with this
short trial we all call life (in this world as we know it).
After this life is over,
we will all stand before our Holy God in judgment (Hebrews 9.27). How
will you stand before him then, as a condemned sinner or a forgiven saint? Are
you ready to meet your Creator? (Amos 4.12)
Jesus died to take the
judgment away from sinners such as ourselves. Through faith you can know that
when you stand before God that your judgment has already been absorbed by the
Lord Jesus Christ on the cross upon which he died.